I just wanted to make this article to showcase why plumbers make such good mates.
The first reason is that they’re home improvement geniuses!
They can fix your pipes, your roofs, your floors and your ceilings. All because they know exactly how to make your home look beautiful. They’re also strong. I have a friend who does concrete and he also has friends who work with pipes and fittings – it looks like a super hard job. I don’t know if I’d want to do it, which is why I’m just going to stick with this whole water works situation. Also, (just to mention) they get to carry around wrenches which look really cool. Sometimes they’re red, yellow, blue, green, orange, pink, purple, black, white, suntan, and one time – one was the color of lemonade! But enough about plumbers, let’s talk about the houses that they work in – That’s where it really get’s going – Oh yeah. Time to pump this b up to level 9000,000,000 – and that’s a lot of pipes!
I can’t even say that number out loud. Well, I can – but me saying that makes it seem like it’s a bigger number than it is. Kind of like when blokes measure themselves and then add another inch. I feel sorry for the lad with the plumbing job though hey g’day mate and a cherry on top. Well, I’m about 200 words off at this stage. God this is dull. But if it get’s the job done then I’m happy – just made that word up. Might get penalized for saying that word, but it’s funny – so it’s worth taking the hit. Just like HIITÂ training that those crazy workers do to stay in shape when they ain’t laying down the pipe that keeps Melbourne alive. thank you – and good night.